American Scouser
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Some New News
Gotta love my old school, Lynn University
"Lynn students get credit for attending Final Four"
C.A.I.R.s Terrorist Ties
Read Steve Emerson's article on C.A.I.R.s ties to terrorism. (The link goes to the google link so you don't have to register at TNR's website.)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sick the Big Dogs on the Non-Flying Imams
"Hulk Hogan of legal world volunteers to go up against imams"
Russian Justice
"A Russian businessman allied with Ukraine's president was killed by a sniper Tuesday as he was escorted from a courthouse during a break in his extortion trial, a government official said."
I'd put your bets down on another Putin victim.
Rioting in Paris...Again
"Riot police firing tear gas and brandishing batons clashed Tuesday with bands of youths who shattered windows and looted shops at a major Paris train station, and officials said seven people were arrested."
Gare du Nord, one of Paris' largest transportation hubs, had to be fully evacuated after this incident.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Mark Steyn
One of my favorite authors, Mark Steyn, on the Quebec Elections and
"...Queer Eye For The Separatist Guy..."
Monday, March 26, 2007
Good For Her
A widow of the 2004 Madrid train bombings wore a t-shirt with the, oh so terrible, cartoons of Mo, the child molester on them. I'm glad the judge in Spain let the woman carry on. Let's just say, in France the judge most likely wouldn't have allowed it. Hopefully, the Europeans have woken up to the issues at hand.
Super Celebrity Sunday/Monday
This weeks Celebrity is Elvis at the turn of his downfall. Elvis was, after all a 'romantic' at heart.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Pound Them Now!
The Iranians seem to think they can charge the 15 British sailors with espionage now! Do they in a completely different world then I do?
Saturday, March 24, 2007
UPDATE: Woolmer Was Whacked
It seems the Pakistan cricket captain Inzamam-ul-Haq and caretaker coach Mushtaq Ahmed were requestioned today in relation to the disgusting murder of Bob Woolmer. I cannot wait to see what happens with this case.
English Hostages
Go to the Pajamas Media page for the full round-up on current happenings on this fiasco.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Look Below, Then Come Up Here
First of all, nobody knows why that loser Jacques Chirac ever decided to offer his personal attorneys to prosecute this bullshit. I have my suspicions which are brought to the front in this article. That is just another reason the loser Jacques Chirac is a disgrace. One can only hope that Sarkozy is the victor in the upcoming election over the airhead Ségolene Royale.
UPDATE: Charlie Hebdo acquitted of the trumped up charges. Hey you coconut, aka Jacques Chirac; take this and shove it up your...
Political Correctness is Killing Euope
I belive this too. Every day it gets worse. Of something is not done, Europe is lost.
No Skills in the Big League
GOP forces Cockroaches to pull DC voting bill. I really like to see this.
Everybody Knows the U.S. is a Threat to the World
UK Sailors captured at gunpoint. This could get interesting.
UPDATE: Naval blockade of Iran? That is the traditional response.
Woolmer Was Whacked
UPDATE: I've suspected he was whacked from the beginning. Sometimes 2 + 2 really does equal 4.
"Jamaican police said death was "due to asphyxiation by manual strangulation".
I know they got beaten by Ireland but to hate someone that much to strangle them? That is quite something.
Little Rabbit to the Reds?
I'm all for Rafa going after Javier Saviola. Add another to the Spanish Armeda on Merseyside.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Let Me Give You Some Advice
You cockroaches on Capitol Hill...I see you want a fight. Let me tell you something. You will lose once President Bush takes his ever so padded gloves off. He has been very nice to you bunch of cretins, now you are asking for it. And I hope he give it to you...right between your eyes!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
What did I say the other day? The plot thickens in the death of Bob Woolmer. He may have been murdered. Nooooo Way!
The Dem Showtrial
Finally, President Bush is speaking out against these cockroaches on Capital Hill. I think Sir Winston Churchill said it best, "When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I Love Politics
I've always had a fascination with politics. I was born a Republican and cherish individual liberties like nobody else. That is why I HATE the Democrats today. Not only do I HATE Democrats, but I really HATE the Liberal wing that has taken over the party. What a bloody shame the Democrat party has become. If there are any REAL Democrats out there...speak up and take your party back from the Marxist, Stalinist, Socialists! Please!?
Anyhow, I personally look at it is another form of sport, except the results mean alot more to you and me. That is why I feel, since this is my personal little website to put whatever I wish, I would like people to know that I've already made my choice for President in 2008. Mitt Romney is the candidate hands down. I'm predicting right now he will be the next President of the United States. I really like Rudy too, but I just feel Mitt is the perfect fit for the job at hand. If you are at all interested in Mitt Romney, which you should be, you can look into him here.
Funny Article
Once in a blue moon the piece of trash Al Guardian has a decent article. I'll have to look up into the sky tonight.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Who Knew?
"Again this year thousands of Tokyoites took the streets on Sunday to watch what may be the world's most unlikely St. Patrick's Day parade."
What Could Go Wrong?
"The gold bar, valued at $1.71m (1.27m euro; £0.87m), weighed about 220 pounds (100kg) and was kept in an open safe.
The museum, in the central city of Takayama, said the gold was not protected by sensors as they wanted visitors to be able to touch it."
Things That Make You Go Hmmm?
Yesterday, Pakistan Cricket coach Bob Woolmer died. One day after a shock World Cup exit to Ireland. One would think he was coaching the Russian Cricket team from the story. Hmmm?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Drink a Guinness or two for our boys in the Armed Services making our world a better place.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I cannot belive England. The Nanny State, that used to be called England just keeps getting worse! I have a feeling Europe is in BIG trouble these days. Especially France and England.
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
The Cockroaches are at it again. Our children are being indoctrinated into a Marxist/Stalinist way of thinking. I hate to pose this question but are our children being taught by idiots? These people obviously have never been taught to think for themselves. I know I do not want my kids, nor my family to go to these schools. If they did, I guarantee they would speak up for themselves against this sort of rubbish.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
...Good for the Gander
So the saying goes. Reports say that there is a "realistic" chance Christiano Ronaldo will stay at Manchester United until 2012. This is not only good for Manchester United but, for the Premiership in general as "The League To Go To" for competition. It is very important to keep young stars, nay, stars in general in the Premiership to increase the popularity and appeal within the football playing world, young and old alike.
As a Liverpool fan, I'm not going to lie; I would like to see him sign...for us! I would like him to sign for Liverpool, although that is not going to happen. Therefore, I suggest Christiano just sign for the club that made him what he is today. I suggest Christiano take in everything that is Manchester United. Yes I am a Liverpool supporter but I also know what Manchester United means to football. There is a history at Manchester United that Cristiano Ronaldo could be a part of that will never leave. He could be a part of the untouchable legacy of George Best, Bobby Charlton, Dennis Law, Eric Cantona, etc...the list goes on and on.
I believe his signing would do wonders for English football in general. You hear that boy! Sign for Manchester and you will do so much for the English game. One never knows, perhaps you will have the impact that Cantona had on Old Trafford. Those are big shoes to fill, but someone will have to fill them someday. There is that possibility. I suggest you give the old boy a ring, and without a doubt he will tell you where you should stay. Without. A. Doubt.
Deflection Frank Playing Hardball
Chelsea is giving one of, if not their top player a hard time over his future at the club. Frank Lampard is setting a deadline for a new contract. Barring that, he will buy out his current contract and move elswhere. I believe he is waiting to see what his manager will be doing and then make his decision. As usual, let's wait and see what happens. Something has to be said about that though, so I'll say it," Who is running the club...Mickey Mouse?" How in the hell can you spend a shitload of dosh one moment for Ballack and Sheva and then give Lamps a hard time? That, my friends, is beyond me. Thank God I'm not a Chelsea supporter, or I'd be fuming at this. I mean the man as a midfielder scores 15+ goals a year! Clean game winners as well as nice deflections!
I'll tell you what, there is not a team on earth that wouldn't take a central midfielder who could deflect 15+ goals a year. I know Rafa would!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Filho da Puta
Oi, Filho da puta!
Heh I really respect this guy on many, many levels. Number one; he tells it the way it is. Nice come from behind draw at the weekend against Spur's too. Say what you will about Chelsea, but they can never be counted out of a match. They've proven it time and time again this year. I have a feeling they are going to destroy Tottenham on the replay.
Speak the Truth Justic Thomas
Justice Thomas gives a rare no nonsense interview to Business Week. Here is the elephant in the room kicker:
One of the reasons I don't do media interviews is, in the past, the media often has its own script. One reason these stories are never told is that they are contrary to the script that people play by. The media, unfortunately, have been universally untrustworthy because they have their own notions of what I should think or I should do.
Cockroaches Unhinged
The Cockroaches have apparently pleaded for the Democratic Presidential candidates to boycott a National Debate because it was co-sponsored by Fox News. Nobody is allowed to jump off a sinking ship I suppose. Socialism at work.
UPDATE: Dennis Kusinich (resident space alien) sheds light on those cockroaches. Watch them run!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Super Celebrity Sunday
It's got to go to Martin Palermo for his Golazo against Independiente! Enjoy this one, I sure did. (Hat-tip to Guru for the link)
A Possible Fred Thompson Run For President
WALLACE: There's been a lot of buzz, as we said, in Republican circles that there's no true conservative in the GOP presidential field. Now some top Republicans, including your friend former Tennessee senator Howard Baker, are putting out trial balloons about you possibly entering the race. Question: Are you considering running for president in 2008? THOMPSON: I'm giving some thought to it. Going to leave the door open.Fred Thompson may put his hat in the Presidential Race.
Lionel Messi bagged three goals in yesterday's match against Real Madrid which ended in a draw at three. Nice job Messi! That is not an easy task.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Media Bias The World Over
"Bush as Hitler poster in BBC newsroom" Hmm, and this is on the wall at a so-called unbiased news agency? Pitiful.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Gentlemen, What do you Think...
of this years Champions League finals?
Here are my picks for this year! Here they are
Liverpool and Manchester United. Liverpool will win this competition!
UEFA Champions League Draw
12:00: Guily (why did Barça send Guily...same reason as JoMo sent Forssell and Rui I suspect...just a year late) is handing over the trophy to Platini to a,"Good luck with the rest of La Liga!" Heh!
12:07: The Mayor of Athens is saying shit in Greek. Probably how happy he is to have the opportunity to do this bullox on an early Friday afternoon. I'm sure he'd rather be doing this than dealing with the smelly airport.
12:10: A lovely highlight reel of our Champions League action so far. Nice one from Crouch! Ronaldo's little pray at the sideline made the reel of course too.
12:13: The blue tie man (host) is talking rubbish about how Athens is the evolution of sport with the Olympics and all. My oh the once mighty have fallen.
12:16: "Both finalists from last year are now knocked out of this years competition...yada, yada, yada..."
12:19: Zagorakis (the capitain of the Greece squad who won the Euopean Championship in 2004) is picking the lovely little silver balls.
#1: AC Milan vs Bayern Munich
#2: PSV Eindhoven vs Liverpool
#3: Roma vs Manchester United
#4: Chelsea vs Valencia
Semi-Finals are as follows
Winner of #4 plays Winner of #2 (semi final #1)
Winner of #3 plays Winner of #1 (semi final #2)
Final - Winner Semi-Final #2(Home) vs. Winner Semi-Final #1 (Away)
These are going to be four fantastic finals. At least all the competitions are between different countries. May the best team win! With this draw...anyone can win! I love it!
Americans Take Full Control of LFC
Liverpool Football Club, the most decorated team in English football history, has been unconditionally taken over by Americans George Gillett and Tom Hicks. In other Liverpool news...In about one hour we will have the UEFA Champions League draw live here on American Scouser! Stay tuned for this exciting event straight from Athens, Greece via Paris, France!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Sometimes I have to Pinch Myself
Am I crazy, or is the entire rest of the world fucking idiots? This is the question I must ask myself 10 times a day...minimum! Since living in France; I've come to the conclusion the rest of the world are fucking idiots. No doubt about it. That or they are brianwashed by their governments to belive every bit of bullshit they are spoon fed. 'Israel, Iran top "negative" list'. What? Yes, fucking idiots!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Onward We Go
Liverpool go through to the Round of 8 in this years Champions League tournement. It was an ugly 0 - 1 Loss to the holders but we advance on away goals anyhow.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Super Celebrity Monday
We usually do this on Sunday; but today it will be our Super Celebrity Monday! George Best!
Friday, March 02, 2007
This Goes A Bit Too Far
The cockroaches are trying to teach Marxism to our school children. Every single day there is another instance where they continue to ruin my country.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Do a Double Take
Yes, you are going to read it right. Heh, heh, heh...liberal hypocracy knows no bounds.
"...But the latest move by globe trotting, hyper-liberal billionaire George Soros borders on being too much. According to papers filed with the SEC, in the fourth quarter of 2006 Soros purchased nearly 2 million$31.30 a share. That puts Soros' total investment in Halliburton at around $62.6 million, or about 2 percent of his total portfolio...shares of...hold your breatch...Halliburton. The Halliburton shares reportedly went for an average purchase price of ...Are you kidding me? The answer was answered before the question was posed.
The real question, however, is whether, the Center for American Progress, and other organizations that have benefitted from Soros' charity will see a problem with accepting money earned off Halliburton shares?"
Icky Thump
Straight from my hometown, Detroit, via Nashville, The White Stripes have completed their sixth album entitled, you guessed it, "Icky Thump"
The Arsenal Midfield
Here is a good article on the Arsenal midfield lynchpin, Cesc Fàbregas.
Patrick Viera's wisdom shared with Cesc Fàbregas
"He said that I was 17 years old and would have at least another 15 seasons as a professional and, most likely, I would have many other really bad games ahead of me. He said that it was impossible to perform at 100 per cent every match and that those outside football who demanded it did not understand the game. He said that what mattered was giving 100 per cent, knowing that you might not get 100 per cent back from your performance. And that I shouldn’t worry and beat myself up over it, but continue working hard..."
Shooting Yourself in the Foot
Or just shooting yourself! Heh! It looks like he got it right in the head. Nice shot man, nice shot!
Food Fight NYC Style
Some words exchanged between NY Slimes Food Editor and Restauranteur Jeffrey Chodorow.
Speaking of Thieves
...we have these two, sunglass wearing, stupid, stupid, smiling bank robbers. Do they actually think they will get away with this?
UPDATE: Caught! That didn't take too long now did it?
Putting the Dems on the Spot
Block that thief, William Jefferson, from going any further in our government. Expose these Liberals for the cockroaches that they are!
Getting Down to Business With Our Allies
Israel will be supplying the U.S. Military with an Urban Warfare Vehicle...The Golan.