Wednesday, January 31, 2007

For the Idiotic "Global Warming" Nonsense Crowd

Feast your beattie little idiotic eyes on this!

CBS News it at it again...

Voice for the enemy...then lies about it.

When in France

Take a nap!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Champion Downed

Kentucky Derby Winner, Barbaro; Euthanized

This is Wrong

Sooo wrong. On so many levels.

Understatement of the Day

"Ronaldo is not fat...he's robust..."

David Nugent vs. Crystal Palace

Nice peice of work son!

Liberal Cunts!

We have an entire chunk of our population that needs to be sent out on an iceberg to drown. They are specifically called Liberals. We should start with that useless, despicable, poor excuse for a Senator that seems to keep getting elected from Massachusetts, John F'n Kerry! Every single one is fucking useless and destructive to my country!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

This Has Been in the Sights for a Spell

Turkey's Fuckin' Up

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Start Making the Dough

Get the pizzas ready! Ronaldo to Milano on the brink.

This is Interesting

Counter Terrorism

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jesus Christ!

I have to say it's about fookin' time. Via "CBS newswire - U.S. Strikes Al Qaeda In Somalia" You don't say? Did we serve them with subpoenas first?

A Wise Man Once Said

I give you Henrik Larsson. CLASS in every sense of the word.

I'm Back on Track

Sorry, it's been a spell. It's not like anybody reads this blog, but I'm in there like swimwear anyhow! Here I come though. Like a bullet through leaves I tell you. Like. A. Bullet. Through. Leaves.