Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Laura Ingraham makes of fool of Commie Sunsara Taylor on The Factor.

Rescuing Sprite

Go get it now! Here is some video from Rush.


Yes, this is still stirring around the boiling pot of bullshit.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One Jerk-Off Deserves Another

PHONY, oh I mean, Finally, Spitzer comes to reality. Hey, New Yorkers, what the hell were you thinking whilst voting for this idiot? Well?

This guy, Elliot Spitzer, is a jerk-off like you wouldn't believe. He's a HACK in the same name a Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and John Murtha. All are a disgrace. Please call Al Gore and have them taken care of please. I'm sure that their hot air is spreading some disease along the way? All of them are taking up more oxygen than they need to. Therefore, they are a stress on the community, which is sooo unacceptable.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

It's Been a Spell

Here is Lawrence Wright on Islam. Watch it! LEARN IT!