Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Like Thierry Henry at Halftime Last Saturday. Looking for the Hat Trick

The Officer's Club with another, in my opinion, great/obvious post ( I stole the link from them too...sorry fellas, I just thought it should reach the soccer boys.) Steven Green, at Vodkapundit, has some thoughts as well.

The New York Times has just gone down the fucking plughole...yet again...within the last few years, no, sorry, weeks. I don't know how their fucked up editor-in-chief, Bill Keller (can you even call him that now?) or their, even more fucked up publisher, Arthur Sultzberger (we'll just call him, well, born lucky...as he doesn't even stand up to a "Publisher" title.) lasted this long. Get rid of them...NOW for Chrissake! Jesus fuckin' hell!

In the future, if the "Old Grey Lady" is going to try and maintain an image,
as it should, and has earned before, maybe pre-1990, it should have started years ago. It's not too late though. As a matter of opinion, it is never too late to start somthing.

"Shame on you!" The most cosmopolitain city on the face of the earth with the most cosmopolitain readers and the most bias editors and publishers. It doesn't read well does it? The NY Times has the potential really can reach everybody. The problem is...who is buying? Less and less is the answer. Why? The answer is simple. Go rent a Bogart film. Watch how gentlemen work. Watch how they gather information. For chrissake just listen to your father's advice. Do everyone a favor and go watch some old "Film Noir" and check out the "Private Dicks." Now those guys are, what one would call "neutral." Watch some and learn from it. Use it. Use it for everybody, not your personal speakerbox. You can record your thoughts on your own computer these days, or just start your own blog. Nobody, would condemn you for that. Not to mention you would be read well throughout the internet. You would also be respected for voicing your personal opionions in one format, then editing another. People really do recognize the difference and will not judge you on that.

Think about it. Seriously. In the end, if not, no loss...really. Except for yourselves. "Irrelavance" is still spelled the same way, it depends
upon who reads it now, doesn't it?